The Joy of Nesting

Burlodge’s Retherm Technology Frees Itself from Traditional Design

The intertwining of intelligent engineering and human design is more relevant than ever, especially in equipment devoted to food delivery. Speed, efficiency, time-sensitivity – at Burlodge we recognize these are vital aspects of any food service operation and they drive our thinking around designing equipment that improves frontline staff functions.

A prime example of this thinking is our ‘nesting’ system developed for B-Pod equipment. We’ve considered how the traditional docking system of food cart/tray carrier and wall- mounted retherm stations works and reimagined how it could be better designed. Our nested approach allows equipment to roll underneath a retherm base station to connect.

The Downside of Docking

The docking system may be a workable solution, but it comes with too many drawbacks. Unreliable connections, poor ergonomics, constant maintenance and even the noisiness of banging the equipment into the station when docking is just the start. The limitations of wall mounting reduce easy access to the equipment, occupy more of a physical footprint and constrain how food managers can arrange their operations.

The Upside of Nesting

Conversely, our pod nesting system liberates operations. It does not need to be wall-mounted so kitchens can place equipment where it is most convenient. Coupled with that human-friendly design is the fact that the base stations can be placed back-to-back to provide maximum production, minimal footprint and improved workflow. As well, the base station can be raised or lowered to accept the short or tall versions of the B-Pod.

More food professionals are starting to recognize that the world has moved beyond the mere functional. The shift towards equipment made for movement and designed for performance is within easier reach than ever. Go ahead, un-dock your operation. Now is the time to Nest.

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